Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Door to door campaigning
In the last week, we have been out doing our first focused, targeted, door to door campaigning. On Saturday morning I went out with Lydia, my campaign manager and with my brother Warren who is running for State Rep in Rochester. The rest of our calls were made with me doing the door to door and Lydia organizing our contacts and driving.

We were so encouraged by the very receptive response we received from almost all of the people we visited. We have found that voters are generally well informed on the issues and are especially concerned about the "drunken sailor" spending of our current legislature. We have found people to be generally pleased to be contacted their candidate for State Senate and eager to address and discuss the issues.

We are building steam daily in our campaign. Our campaign leadership team is meeting weekly to set goals and target times for key issues such as campaign financing, door to door goals (D2D), house parties, finding sign placement and getting signs out, house parties and speaking engagements. Our website is up and improving as well as related things such as our blog, Facebook and You Tube media clips.

As we build up steam, our victory train builds up momentum. We will be scheduling events, speaking engagements, direct mail pieces, volunteer activity and much more.

Folks, now is your chance to help change the future of New Hampshire, protect and support family values, and keep your taxes from skyrocketing from our current legislature's our of control spending. We need many volunteers. Can you help. I will write soon to talk to you about pressing needs we have for volunteer help.

God bless you all.

Fenton Groen

Monday, August 4, 2008

Reduce Regulations

Dear friends, 235 years ago, our forefathers got fed up with unfair taxes and regulations. They dressed up in costumes and staged the Boston Tea Party – dumping 90,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor to protest the imposition of taxes without proper representation. I think they would roll over in their graves if they saw the increasing load of burdensome regulations that are now being placed on the backs of our citizens, businesses and local governments.

Make no mistake! Every regulation has a direct cost in dollars and an indirect cost in loss of freedom! What is even more alarming is that many of these regulations are implemented without adequate, or in some cases without any, elected representative oversight.

This amounts to Taxation by Regulation without Representation.

Many, many times our 8 years in the construction business and in my decades of small business management experience, I and my colleagues have asked the questions: “What is the statistical basis driving the need for this or that regulation? Or, “Where is the study that shows what positive impact this regulation will have?” Over and over we have heard answers like, “There must be a good reason or it would not be proposed.” Or, “We don’t write the regulations, we just implement them.” or “Look, if a 50’ setback is good, a 75’ setback must be better.”

My friends, regulations are too easy to add and too hard to remove. We need to reverse that. We need to make them harder to add and easier to remove.

I am committed to Reduce, Limit and Control Regulations.

I will listen to citizens, professionals and business leaders for their input on the impact of regulations on their lives and their pocketbooks.

I will work hard to assure that we have clear and focused elected representative oversight over all regulations.

I believe that we should require a careful cost/benefit analysis based on hard statistics and citizen testimony before regulations are added or expanded. A kind of “Regulatory Impact Study.” This would have a welcome, chilling affect on unnecessary and unwise regulation.

Unbridled regulations add cost and reduce the freedom of NH citizens.

I am not suggesting we stage a regulation “Tea Party” at the Isinglass River, but I will fight hard against taxation by regulation without representation.

Let’s live free in New Hampshire!

Fellow citizens, I would be honored by your support for my campaign and by your vote on November 4th.

(You can watch Fenton tell you about his commitment to reducing regulations on YouTube! Follow this link:

Many thanks to Devin Robinson for his professional filming job! Be watching for more clips coming soon!