Saturday, November 1, 2008

Three Days to the Only Poll in this Race

We are almost to the finish line! Three more days to election day.

Thanks to all of you who have helped to build the momentum of my campaign for State Senate. We have just finished a big day of door to door campaigning with 17 volunteers, 3 of whom are my sisters from Iowa and Minnesota. I finish each day of campaigning with new appreciation for the citizens of our state and with new gratitude for the many volunteers and contributors who are doing so much to help me succeed in this election.

It seems like eons ago, that week of June 6 to 13, when I made the hard decision to run. I think that it would be appropriate to recap why I am running for State Senate. Here are the basic values that I will bring to Concord. This is not intended to be an inclusive list of issues but a framework within which I believe our state government should operate.
  • Practice Fiscal Responsibility. The overspending of our current legislature will result in a massive deficit next biennium. We must balance the budget by reducing spending, not by increasing taxes. We must not pass state overspending on to our citizens in increased taxes.
  • Preserve Our Values. We must value all human life, including that of the most defenseless, the unborn. We must preserve family values, recognizing the family as one of the most basic foundation stones of our society. We must recognize and the protect time-proven institution of marriage. We must honor and respect parental rights and responsibilities.
  • Preserve Our Freedom. We must limit and control regulations. Every regulation has a double cost, an economic cost and a loss of freedom. We must make sure that for every regulation, the benefit clearly exceeds the costs, or we must not implement it.
  • Protect our constitutional rights. We must protect our clear right to bear arms. We must resist activist judges who would change the constitution without the due amendment process that our founders established.
  • Provide limited government. Our founders wisely limited government to certain functions and prized individual responsibility and initiative. We should not expect the government, nor attempt to make government, the solution to every problem. This is and always will be a tough balance, but it is one we must answer on the side of limiting government to what our constitution proscribes.
I will serve you in Concord with fairness and integrity, utilizing my 35 years of business experience to bring innovation and efficiency to our state government. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to represent you in Concord.

May God bless you all,

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