Thursday, September 11, 2008

Building More Momentum

Good evening all of you,

This has been an encouraging week for my campaign! Let me fill you in on a few of the interesting and exciting things that are happening.

This week again, a number of people have asked me about my position on our right to bear arms. Let me quote from what someone wrote in 1784 that succinctly states my position: "All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state." That fully describes my position. I will not add to or subtract from it. This is the simple but profound language of the New Hampshire Constitition, Part First, (Art) 2-a. Well said, founding fathers!

On Tuesday, New Hampshire had its primary for all state level races. Even though my candidacy for the District 6 State Senate seat was unchallenged, we decided that we wanted to be well represented at the polls to gain name recognition, to meet the core voters that are out to the primary elections and to do a practice run for the organization we need for the general election on November 4. We were represented by 30 volunteers at 13 of the 14 polling stations in my district! Plus I spent half the day at Ward 5 in Rochester and half the day at my largest ward, which is Barrington.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the volunteers who came out to support my campaign. It is a great encouragement to me to have your dedicated support. I have heard from many people in the communities in my district who commented favorably about the excellent organization, (thanks Leah and Lydia), the prolific placement of signs (thanks Warren) and the cheerful sign holders. Great job all!

On Saturday we got a very interesting email. A Barrington resident went to the dump and was greeted on the way out by my opponent with Dunkin Donuts coffee and donuts. She talked to them and took coffee and a donut. But on the way home she decided that she should not sell her vote for coffee and a donut. So when she got home, she googled the 6th District race, found my name and checked out my web site. She said that she agreed on every point with my positions and will enthusiastically vote for me in November! She said that now she feels bad about taking the donut from my opponent though. Isn't that a great story!

Door to door continues to be very interesting and encouraging. We meet great people and we have received a really strong reception. I am looking for more help in the door to door. If you have a car and time and can help, we will give you voter lists, maps and careful instructions. We would love to have your help! Together we can really make a difference in Concord next year. I can't do it without you.

At your service,
Fenton Groen

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