Saturday, September 20, 2008

Expanded Gambling

At a meeting this past Thursday, I was asked this question:

"I understand that you are opposed to increasing taxes. But given the looming budget crisis that is expected during the next biennium, would you consider expanded gambling to help to balance the budget?"

Here was and is my answer:

First, we do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. Our revenue increased close to 4 1/2% over the last year. That is higher than the rate of inflation. The problem is that the current democratically controlled legislature increased the General Fund budget by 17 1/2% for the biennium and then "funded" it with over rosy revenue estimates that, not surprisingly, did not materialize..

Second, gambling is a regressive tax. That is, its revenues are drawn heavily from people in lower income brackets.

It is bad policy to fund excessive spending with a regressive tax! We need to reduce the bloated budget spending, not take the easy way out and balance the budget on the backs of the people who can least afford it.

I will oppose expanded gambling in New Hampshire.

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