Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Not to Balance the Budget

I have been talking a lot about the projected $500 million deficit that is looming for the next two year biennium here in NH.

On Tuesday I was in a convenience store in Somersworth doing business door to door campaigning. The headline in the New York Daily News caught my eye. The NY governor is predicting a 12.5 billion deficit for next year - that is right, 12.5 billion for one year! That is 50 times higher than the NH deficit. They are going to balance that budget by cutting spending in emergency sessions using drastic measures. Governor Paterson said, "When you're in that amount of trouble, everything is on the table, not because you want it to be , but because it's the only way to manage."

So why do you think that NY does not just consider a sales or income tax or both to solve the problem, as my opponent said she will consider "if her constituents want it?" It is because they already have sales and income taxes! Normal New Yorkers - $20,000 to $100,000 per year citizens - already pay 6.85% in income tax. And the average sales tax in the Big Apple state is over 8%. So if income and sales tax is the way to solve a budget crisis, NY should be in great shape, right?

Wrong! A bigger trough of income just creates more feeding frenzy at the trough. New York put those taxes in place years ago to solve their budget deficit problems and now they have much bigger deficit problems.

Citizens of New Hampshire, learn the lesson of New York! Income and/or sales taxes did not solve their budget problems, they exacerbated the problem. Now the governor of New York has gotten the message. Balance the budget by reducing spending. And everything needs to be on the table to do it.

To balance our budget next biennium, we need to reduce spending not increase taxes. The State of New York has given us a timely lesson. We need to take it to heart.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Photos from the Campaign Trail

Check out some pics from our campaign!!

Fenton's speech at the Dessert Fundraiser - notice all of those tasty desserts piled up! There were THREE tables of desserts just as full. Thank you so much to all of Fenton's supporters who are talented in the kitchen!

Bob Bennett came in full costume and was a big hit with the kids - and Grandma Van Otterloo!

We were honored to have Senator Joe Kenney, candidate for NH Governor, come to our fundraiser and speak to the crowd.

The Roth boys show their support for Mr. Groen!

A few supporters read over the new mail piece at the fundraiser.
Fenton hard at work in his office.

Playing around with our big signs...
Thank you all for your support!
posted by LMG

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dear friends,

It is 12 days to election day and our campaign is continuing to pick up steam. Today a big part of that steam came from the Manchester Union Leader in the form of a strong endorsement. Thank you to the editorial staff for considering my qualifications and for your great endorsement. Below is a direct quote containing their endorsement.

"Meanwhile, over in Senate District 6 -- which includes Rochester, Somersworth and Barrington -- another thoughtful fiscal conservative is running to control state spending.

Rochester builder Fenton Groen, although running for state office for the first time, has an impressive grasp of state budget issues. He has clearly done his homework and is prepared to enter the Senate with his sleeves rolled up.

Groen says of the current state budget, which is an estimated $250 million out of balance, "I am very committed to balancing the budget by reducing expenses, not by increasing taxes."

His opponent, incumbent Sen. Jackie Cilley, voted for the budget, which increased state general fund spending by a staggering 17.5 percent. She has a record of supporting big spending increases and increased regulations.

Groen, on the other hand, is committed to keeping taxes low by making sure the state spends no more than it can afford. The biggest issue in the next legislative session will be balancing the state budget. Groen has made it his top priority to do that without raising taxes. Voters in Senate District 6 should give him the chance to correct the mistakes of their current senator on spending and other issues."

You can find this endorsement, along with their endorsement of Peter Bragdon from District 11 here.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

17 Days Left

Hey everyone, remember the Desert Reception fundraiser on Monday night at 7:00 PM at the TriCity Christian School gym on Rocky Hill Road in Somersworth. Hope to see you all there.

I am wrapping up another busy day campaigning. Another day closer to victory on November 4. It was a beautiful day to be out enjoying the spectacular colors of God's creation, great fall weather and meeting and talking with citizens in District 6.

The morning started with the opportunity to speak to the Men's Group at Emmanuel Church on Eastern Avenue in Rochester, right across the street from the old Springfield House where our family lived in the late 80's. The men put on a great breakfast and showed great hospitality. Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to share my vision for New Hampshire with you.

From 11:00AM until 1:30 I enjoyed the Good Shepherd School Fall Festival with a great group of people in Haley's field across from Calef's Country Store in Barrington. I had the opportunity to meet and talk to many people from Barrington, Rochester and Nottingham. Thanks to all of you who shared your concerns and your ideas with me. This was the 25th fall festival planned and organized by the Good Shepherd School in Barrington. It was a spectacular success with food, crafts, activities, a silent auction and a regular auction. Again, the weather and setting were perfect.

This evening my wife Shirley and I were pleased to join the Barrington American Legion at the Barrington Elementary School for their annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser. We had a great time visiting with a number of old friends and new acquaintances. Thank you to the American Legion members for the great meal. But even more, thank you for your service to our country. May God bless you all.
For the rest of the day, Lydia and I squeezed in door to door campaigning. We continue to find the citizens of District 6 receptive to my message of fiscal responsibility, limited and lean government and the solid family values that made and make our state and nation great.

My friends, I am encouraged, energized and excited. I really look forward to being your representative in the NH Senate next January.

Friday, October 17, 2008

18 Days and Counting

Only 18 days until election day.

Energy and momentum are building day by day in our campaign team. We have volunteers helping with a wide variety of tasks and we are preparing for a finish sprint in the last two weeks. Don't miss the opportunity to join the camaraderie and at the same time make a difference in our state. If you are willing to be part of our finish sprint, call or email me or Lydia now. Lydia at 369-1964 or me at 817-9352 or both of us at We will fit you to the right task and help you be a success at it. Remember, "Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the affect."

Over the last few days, I have participated in or attended numerous events. A few of these were:
  • Rochester Chamber of Commerce Operation Thank You,
  • the Grand Opening of the new Somersworth Police station,
  • the Chamber of Commerce "Business After Hours" at the new Staples in Rochester where Groen Builders was welcomed and recognized as a new member of the COC, and
  • the HBRANH (Home Builders and Remodelers of New Hampshire) where I had an opportunity to address the members who were present.
The reception at all of them has been great. I mean it when I say that we can feel the momentum building.

Next Monday night, October 2oth is our Dessert Reception Fundraiser. This is not one of those $250 or $500 per plate black tie affairs. It is a family night where you, my regular supporters, can come and share in sampling (to you stomach's content) the favorite desert recipes of my supporters from far and wide. Don't miss it. Invite your family, friends, neighbors and your cousin Billy and your grandmother Josie! It would be helpful if you would RSVP to so we have enough desert for Cousin Billy and Grandma Josie!

It will be held at the Tri City Christian Accademy gym on Rocky Hill Road in Somersworth. Look for the balloons and signs! Your gift of $22 will help us print and mail 50 pieces of direct mail. $44 will cover 100 pieces, $88 pieces will cover 200 pieces, etc. Or $2.20 from your piggy bank will cover 5 pieces.

How do you pay for a 8-10 thousand piece direct mail campaign? 50 or 100 or 200 ... or 1000 or even 5 pieces at a time. This is a crucial time. The last two or three direct mail pieces are very critical to success. Come and help us put it over the top!

Stay tuned for more news and events.

God bless you all for your help and your prayers. With more of both, we can win and win big.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Governor Palin Rocks!

~Posted by Lydia

We were so excited to have Governor Sarah Palin here in New Hampshire yesterday. Her speech touched on fiscal responsibility, family values, respect for veterens, and sustainable energy at reasonable costs. Basically, everything she said really resonated with the crowd of 1200+ we were standing with, crammed into Dover High School's gymnasium. Governor Palin did a great job, and really seemed to be connecting with people - looking around the room, making eye contact as she spoke, and signing autographs before she left. The crowd was energized, and several times the Governor had to wait to continue her speech as people chanted "Sarah, Sarah", or "Drill Baby Drill".

The Groen cadre numbered eleven, and thanks to our volunteers who showed up in the predawn light to get a good place in line, we had excellent spots inside only 10 feet away from the podium.

Here are a couple of photos we nabbed at the event:

Monday, October 13, 2008

22 Days to Victory

I am wrapping up another busy day campaigning. Another day closer to victory on November 4.

This morning I spent some time with Charlie Arlinghaus, Executive Director of the Josiah Bartlett Society and a regular financial columnist for the Manchester Union Leader. Charlie is a recognized private sector expert on the NH state budget and has a rare knack of communicating complex financial information in a way that makes it clear and understandable. We discussed matters ranging from the looming state budget deficit, to how forecasting is done to arrive at those estimates, to the dynamics of the current education funding formulas. On second thought though, I am not sure that the terms "clear and understandable" can be applied to the complicated and convoluted education funding formulas, even with Charlie’s ability to clarify the difficult. Thank you Charlie, for helping me to understand our financial crisis and for preparing me to serve as the next senator from District 6.

After door to door campaigning in Somersworth, I continue to receive convincing feedback that the citizens of District 6 want to make sure that our looming budget deficit of approximately a half a billion dollars is resolved by responsible management and reduction of spending and not by increasing taxes.

Thank you to all of you who have put my signs in your yards and thanks to those who have requested our 4x8 "billboard" signs.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

26 Days Until Victory!

26 Days Left!

To win, we will need a stepped up effort on all fronts as we accelerate toward the election. For those of you who are already on our team and for those of you who want to be part of our team, here are some things that you can do to help:

Volunteer your time. We need help in many different areas: phone calls, computer work, door to door teams and assistants, envelope addressing, networking with friends and fellow voters, sign holding and so much more.

Help us with sign locations! Do you want a yard sign? Or would you like a 4x4 or 4x8 "billboard" sign at your home or business? Call us. We will get them out to you and set them up. Our signage is our trademark. Help maintain our dominance in this area.

Help us financially. Running an effective campaign is an expensive operation. Direct mail is an essential, but very expensive, component. We have a number of mailings that we need to get out, each numbering in the 9 to 15 thousands. You can help by donating $44 to cover the total cost of printing and mailing 100 pieces of literature. Or if you can contribute $88 dollars, it will cover 200 pieces. Maybe you can cover the cost of 1000 pieces for $440 or you may already be maxed out but could contribute $22 to mail out 50 pieces. I will greatly appreciate any contribution you can make. As many hands make light work, so many modest contributions can have a major effect.

Pray for me and our leadership team. For myself, for wise use of time and for wisdom and good judgment in what I say; for Lydia, my campaign manager as she works huge hours, tirelessly organizing and running my campaign; for Mike Faeilla our capable events and issues coordinator; for Devin Robinson, our creative media and technology person, for Leah Roth, our tireless volunteer coordinator and for Dan Groveman, our full time campaign field agent. We would love to hear from you if this is your way of helping.

To help in any of these areas, you can contact Lydia, my campaign manager at 369-1964 or Dan Groveman at 301-830-2222. Or email us at To contribute, you can go to our website at and click on "Contribute" or you can mail a check to Fenton Groen for Senate at PO Box 582, Barrington, NH 03825.

I said at the beginning that an effective campaign is a huge task! But with an enthusiastic team of volunteers, it a manageable task. Come on board with a winning team! Remember, teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the affect. You may not be able or feel called to run for office, but your help will change the State of NH as certainly as if you were running. Together we can win.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

28 Day Countdown

Greetings my friends,

Today marks the 4 week mark to the November elections. I would like to update you on what is happening.

As you know, this the first time that I am running for public office. I expected that running for state senate would be very hard work. But the work and the time demands have exceeded what I thought. It is one of the most interesting and challenging things that I have done in my life. Most days I can relate to one of Rush's favorite statements: "Having more fun than a human being ought to have." I have a strong sense of being where I belong and doing what I am supposed to be doing. We are out meeting people, meeting with community and business leaders and working hard to get out a message of fiscal responsibility and family values as we face a major deficit brought on by the overspending of our current legislature and attack and erosion of the values that have made our nation great.

I am committed to continue the exciting days of campaigning to make sure that no stone is left unturned to win this race and bring to the NH legislature my 35 plus years of small business experience, fiscally conservative philosophy of government and strong comittment to family values and the sanctity of life. But I cannot do it alone! I sincerely appreciate the many hours of volunteer work and generous donations on behalf of my campaign already contributed . To win, we will need a stepped up effort on all fronts as we accelerate toward the election. Here are some things that you can do to help:

  • Volunteer your time to help in many different areas: phone calls, computer work, door to door assistants and teams, envelope addressing, networking with friends and fellow voters, sign holding and so much more.
  • Help us with sign locations! Do you want a yard sign? Or would you like a 4x4 or 4x8 "billboard" sign at your home or business? Call us. We will get them out to you and set them up.
  • Help us financially. Running an effective campaign is an expensive operation. Direct mail is an essential, but very expensive, component. We have a number of mailings, each numbering in the thousands, that need to get out. You can help by donating $44 to cover the total cost of printing and mailing 100 pieces of literature. Or if you can, could you contribute $88 dollars to cover 200 pieces. Maybe you can cover the cost of 1000 pieces for $440 or you may already be maxed out but could contribute $22 to mail out 50 pieces. As many hands make light work, so many modest contributions can have a major effect.
  • Pray for me and our leadership team. For myself, for wise use of time and for wisdom and good judgement in what I say; for Lydia, my campaign manager as she works huge hours tirelessly organizing and running my campaign; for Mike Faeilla our events and issues coordinator; for Devin Robinson, our media and technology person and for Leah Roth, our tireless volunteer coordinator.
To help, you can contact Lydia, my campaign manager at 369-1964 or me at 817-9352. Or email us at To contribute, you can go to our website at and click on "Contribute" or you can mail a check to Fenton Groen for Senate at PO Box 582, Barrington, NH 03825.

I said at the beginning that an effective campaign is a huge task! But with an enthusiastic team of voluteers, it a manageable task. Together we can win. Come on board with a winning team! You may not be able or feel called to run for office, but your help will change the State of NH as certainly as if you were running. Together we can win.