Friday, October 17, 2008

18 Days and Counting

Only 18 days until election day.

Energy and momentum are building day by day in our campaign team. We have volunteers helping with a wide variety of tasks and we are preparing for a finish sprint in the last two weeks. Don't miss the opportunity to join the camaraderie and at the same time make a difference in our state. If you are willing to be part of our finish sprint, call or email me or Lydia now. Lydia at 369-1964 or me at 817-9352 or both of us at We will fit you to the right task and help you be a success at it. Remember, "Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the affect."

Over the last few days, I have participated in or attended numerous events. A few of these were:
  • Rochester Chamber of Commerce Operation Thank You,
  • the Grand Opening of the new Somersworth Police station,
  • the Chamber of Commerce "Business After Hours" at the new Staples in Rochester where Groen Builders was welcomed and recognized as a new member of the COC, and
  • the HBRANH (Home Builders and Remodelers of New Hampshire) where I had an opportunity to address the members who were present.
The reception at all of them has been great. I mean it when I say that we can feel the momentum building.

Next Monday night, October 2oth is our Dessert Reception Fundraiser. This is not one of those $250 or $500 per plate black tie affairs. It is a family night where you, my regular supporters, can come and share in sampling (to you stomach's content) the favorite desert recipes of my supporters from far and wide. Don't miss it. Invite your family, friends, neighbors and your cousin Billy and your grandmother Josie! It would be helpful if you would RSVP to so we have enough desert for Cousin Billy and Grandma Josie!

It will be held at the Tri City Christian Accademy gym on Rocky Hill Road in Somersworth. Look for the balloons and signs! Your gift of $22 will help us print and mail 50 pieces of direct mail. $44 will cover 100 pieces, $88 pieces will cover 200 pieces, etc. Or $2.20 from your piggy bank will cover 5 pieces.

How do you pay for a 8-10 thousand piece direct mail campaign? 50 or 100 or 200 ... or 1000 or even 5 pieces at a time. This is a crucial time. The last two or three direct mail pieces are very critical to success. Come and help us put it over the top!

Stay tuned for more news and events.

God bless you all for your help and your prayers. With more of both, we can win and win big.


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