Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dear friends,

It is 12 days to election day and our campaign is continuing to pick up steam. Today a big part of that steam came from the Manchester Union Leader in the form of a strong endorsement. Thank you to the editorial staff for considering my qualifications and for your great endorsement. Below is a direct quote containing their endorsement.

"Meanwhile, over in Senate District 6 -- which includes Rochester, Somersworth and Barrington -- another thoughtful fiscal conservative is running to control state spending.

Rochester builder Fenton Groen, although running for state office for the first time, has an impressive grasp of state budget issues. He has clearly done his homework and is prepared to enter the Senate with his sleeves rolled up.

Groen says of the current state budget, which is an estimated $250 million out of balance, "I am very committed to balancing the budget by reducing expenses, not by increasing taxes."

His opponent, incumbent Sen. Jackie Cilley, voted for the budget, which increased state general fund spending by a staggering 17.5 percent. She has a record of supporting big spending increases and increased regulations.

Groen, on the other hand, is committed to keeping taxes low by making sure the state spends no more than it can afford. The biggest issue in the next legislative session will be balancing the state budget. Groen has made it his top priority to do that without raising taxes. Voters in Senate District 6 should give him the chance to correct the mistakes of their current senator on spending and other issues."

You can find this endorsement, along with their endorsement of Peter Bragdon from District 11 here.

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