Monday, October 13, 2008

22 Days to Victory

I am wrapping up another busy day campaigning. Another day closer to victory on November 4.

This morning I spent some time with Charlie Arlinghaus, Executive Director of the Josiah Bartlett Society and a regular financial columnist for the Manchester Union Leader. Charlie is a recognized private sector expert on the NH state budget and has a rare knack of communicating complex financial information in a way that makes it clear and understandable. We discussed matters ranging from the looming state budget deficit, to how forecasting is done to arrive at those estimates, to the dynamics of the current education funding formulas. On second thought though, I am not sure that the terms "clear and understandable" can be applied to the complicated and convoluted education funding formulas, even with Charlie’s ability to clarify the difficult. Thank you Charlie, for helping me to understand our financial crisis and for preparing me to serve as the next senator from District 6.

After door to door campaigning in Somersworth, I continue to receive convincing feedback that the citizens of District 6 want to make sure that our looming budget deficit of approximately a half a billion dollars is resolved by responsible management and reduction of spending and not by increasing taxes.

Thank you to all of you who have put my signs in your yards and thanks to those who have requested our 4x8 "billboard" signs.

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